Oh, if only the TV cameras following her around for Being Lara Bingle had been in the Sydney radio studio yesterday to capture the look on her face when the Brisbane radio jocks at B105 called her and started in on the insults.

In a very awkward - some would say joyless - little interview, Labby, Stav and Abby put to Lara Bingle why she thought she should have a reality show made about her.

Bingle pointed out the show, which starts on Network Ten next Tuesday night, wasn't an overnight decision for her and she'd been dogged about it for two years.

Things went downhill to the point where she was described as being "Australia's answer to a question we never asked".

At one stage Abby called her Laura and had to correct herself.

It ended with a curt goodbye from Bingle and the station inviting listeners who "don't like Lara" to call in.

Bingle instantly tweeted: ". . . worst radio presenters I have ever spoken with."

She added that they should be taken off air.

It sparked an outpouring of support for Bingle among her twitterdom.

Rubbing their hands with glee were rival Brisbane radio team Ash, Kip and Luttsy over on Nova; they've secured an interview with Bingle on Friday morning to get her side of the story.

B105 was left to tweet: "We didn't mean to offend you . . . pls come back soon."

Source: Courier Mail
Published Date: 8th June 2012


  1. We didn't mean to offend you. Pffft! That is exactly what they wanted to do!!!

  2. Labby, Stav & Abby, disgusting. Shame you have to resort to pathetic behaviour to try to get some form of ratings. Dismal Fail. Who are you anyway ???
