A new boyfriend, a new business venture and a new series.

Lara Bingle says she could have it all but wants to be more private this year.

The model is adamant she has an option to do a second series of reality show Being Lara Bingle - although Channel 10 says there is "nothing planned at this stage".

Last month new Ten boss Hamish McLennan said there would be no more reality flops like The Shire and Being Lara Bingle as they "didn't really reflect who we wanted to be".

But Bingle is ever hopeful she might get a second reality run, telling Confidential: "They have asked me to do it again, later in the year when my designs and my brand come out. Personally I'd like to not have my personal life out there so much. Last year was a big year and for my family and friends, it creates a lot of pressure. So I'm not saying no."

"As much as it's my show there's a lot of emotion to take care of before I can say yes. It's not just about me."

Speaking before she flew to New York on Friday, where new lover DJ Nick Cohen lives, Bingle said she would continue to fly back and forth between the two cities.

"I lived in New York for a while; it’s my second home," Bingle said.

"Obviously my boyfriend lives there and I live in Sydney, so I’m on a plane every second week."

"Ask me in five years though and I might be over it. But he has a house there, and we have a place in the Hamptons."

Bingle, the face of Cotton On, recently shot the retailer’s new campaign with Tyler Atkins, designer Didier Cohen and Bambi Northwood-Blyth.

"They’re kind of like a family to me. We’ve been creating a relationship for over a year now and it’s a growing company," Bingle said.

Source: The Sunday Telegraph
Published Date: 19th May 2013