She doesn't have a ring on that finger after her romantic getaway, and when asked, Lara just laughs and shakes her head. So much for that psychic in India predicting she'd be married by September!
Sitting down with the beautiful ice-blue-eyed blonde, we chat about her life after her reality show Being Lara Bingle - and how her boyfriend Gareth keeps her fit! And no, we don't mean like that...
You've moved out of your Bondi Beach flat - how does it feel being back in the 'hood?
I miss the beach, but I haven't missed living on set. My life is so crazy, it's nice to go home and just relax and not have the cameras around.
Has it been hard seeing yourself on TV?
It's been confronting but it's made me more aware of myself and how I act.There were times where I wish I reacted to some situations differently. I often smile at inappropriate times. It's a nervous reaction for me.
You've copped flak for the show. Was it worth it?
Yeah! I get criticism regardless if I have a show, but the show puts a emphasis on that there are always two sides to every story.
How do you deal with the negativity?
I don't - I just keep doing what I love! I have a pretty blessed life because I get to do what I love. I just focus on the good stuff!
Have people seen the real Lara now?
Yep, what was portrayed is the person I am. It wasn't scripted, it as real, my friends and family were on it and I didn't have any edit control.
Do you think the show has helped your career?
Throughout the show I worked with some great brands and publications, and according to my managers, there's been a spike in interest for me. I think, in Australia, people can be a bit apprehensive to say yes to someone like me who they might consider a risk, but the show has shown me in a good and real light, and has humanised me!
Will there be a second season?
Maybe. Fingers crossed!
What's next for you?
I'm working on an apparel range, which I'm launching mid next year. I can't wait! It's been a long time in the making. It will be a dream come true for me!
Are you happy with your body right now?
I've been working hard and eating well. I put on about eight kilos last year, and I've got a bit more to shed. But I'm happy with my body!
How are you planning on shedding those last kilos?
Consistency! I have a tendency to get off the train, so I'm just going to keep going. I'm going to eat right, train hard - every day!
What's your fitness routine?
I do power yoga four days a week and cardio - running or walking - three days a week, and some weights in the gym.
What about your diet?
I've done juice detoxes in the past as well as eliminating carbs, sugar and dairy from my diet. I like to keep it interesting! But generally my diet consists of proteins, greens and a little bit of fruit.
What have you learned about diet and fitness through your years as a model?
When I was younger, I could eat whatever I wanted. But I'm not that girl anymore, and as I've got older I've realised I have to work hard and eat right to maintain a tight physique. I remember when I first stopped eating bread, it was the hardest thing! But you get over that, and it's obviously part of my job. If I don't look great, it affects my work.
Do you weight yourself?
Not really. It's not about the scales, it's about your proportions!
Which celeb has the best body?
Jessica Alba, Sophia Loren and Brigitte Bardot - they all look amazing and have curves. Women should look like women and be proud of their curves. You don't have to be stick thin to be beautiful! I'm blessed to have curves, and I want to keep them, so I don't want to lose too much weight. I just want to be toned!
Do you lose or gain weight in a relationship?
Definitely lose, especially with Gareth! He's a fitness fanatic and eats really well - and he looks so good! He's my inspiration! During our holiday we were really active, we kayaked 20km and went rock climbing. He's also a great cook and he cooks for me - healthy stuff, of course! My other boyfriend Max May has a great body, too. I can't let them win now, can I?
Source: NW Magazine
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